About Us
North Coast Ghosts (NCG) is a non-profit organization with over 30 years of experience in investigating not only major historic locations, but numerous private residences and workplaces as well.
Our organization is comprised of a small team of professionals dedicated to helping individuals and families that find themselves in situations where activity that is potentially paranormal or supernatural in nature is causing fear, anxiety, confusion, doubt, and or oppression within their homes and negatively affecting their daily lives.
Our priority is to return a feeling of security, safety, and peace back to the homes and lives of our clients, free of charge.
You should feel safe in your own home or place of business. In paranormal-ridden locations, this may not be possible, especially without a properly prepared, trained, and experienced team to be by your side, and that is where we come in.
We employ innovative scientific equipment to aid in validating or debunking claims of the paranormal. More importantly, we are open-minded skeptics in search of the truth using common sense, while employing strict scientific procedures and protocols, always with empathy and respect. We exhaustively look for “natural” explanations before considering that any case we are dealing with could potentially be paranormal in nature and react accordingly.
Our team consists of professionals with various backgrounds and unique skills including scientists, law enforcement and military personnel, historians, psychologists, demonologists, and other legitimate paranormal investigative groups around the world. In addition, we are a science and faith-based group of investigators that will often collaborate closely with clergy of various denominations whenever it is deemed necessary for the safety of our clients and our team.
We do our best to answer questions, provide evidence and facilitate an understanding of the paranormal so that our clients are better able to cope with the activity at their location.
We not only help clients determine if the activity is indeed paranormal, but we also try to find the origins of the activity and if applicable, we attempt to find peace for any human spirit(s) that may be linked to these hauntings and, without prejudice- rid our clients of negative spirits, both human and inhuman that may present themselves during any given case.
Your privacy and safety are of paramount importance to us. We value your privacy as much as we do our own. It is especially important to note that all information that is provided by our clients is kept strictly confidential between yourself and our group. Our team will never share any information with any third party without prior written consent on your part. We never divulge the real names, or the locations of our clients.
We genuinely care for and provide a continuing relationship with our clients.
You do not have to be alone in your situation- we are here to help.
~The NCG Team